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Giving consent on Care Opinion


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In brief

Care Opinion can only publish your stories and responses if you agree. This is called “giving consent”.

Each time you post a story or a response on Care Opinion, we ask for your consent to publish and share it. If you don’t give your consent, then we can’t publish your story or response.

If you change your mind, you can always withdraw any story you have posted.

Consent to publish your story or response

Before we publish your story or response, we will check it meets our moderation policy

We may make some small changes to your story so that we can publish it. If we feel your story would need big changes before we can publish it, we will contact you.

We may decide not to publish your story if, for example, it is not about an experience of care, or if it raises serious legal issues, or for some other reason.

When we publish your story, anyone who visits the Care Opinion website can read it.

Once your story is published we will send you an email to let you know.

Consent to share your story or response

After we publish your story or response we will share it online so that as many people as possible can learn from it.

For example, we will send emails to relevant staff in health and care organisations. We may share your story on social media too.

We will also share your story or response with organisations which make use of our data, such as (in England) NHS Choices, the Care Quality Commission or (in Scotland) Health Improvement Scotland, the Care Inspectorate, and academic researchers.

We may also share your story with students learning to become health professionals, or with staff learning to improve their practice.

Other site users can also share the public link to your story for others to read. For example, someone could share the public link to your story by email or on social media. If an organisation quotes your story, we ask them to link back to your story on Care Opinion. This is so others can always see your comments in the original context.

We do all this so your story can be useful to as many people as possible.

Information we don’t share

When we share your story or response, we don’t share your private information such as your email address or your postcode.

You can find detailed information on the information we collect from you, and what we share or keep private, in our privacy notice.

Withdrawing consent

You can withdraw your consent to us publishing and sharing your story at any time, by logging into Care Opinion. 

Go to the story you want to withdraw consent for, and click “withdraw”.