Equality, diversity and inclusion


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The idea of equality, that everyone matters, is at the heart of Care Opinion’s mission and our reason for existing.

So it is important that we think about how we work for equality and celebrate diversity in all that we do, especially in a world where we see inequality, prejudice and exclusion all around us.

At Care Opinion we commit to a programme of action to help us grow our awareness, understanding and practices in support of equality, diversity and inclusion. This will include these four distinct but interrelated areas:

Our services for story authors and health/care staff

As an online feedback service, we want our online platform, and our story moderation and user support teams, to feel welcoming and be accessible to as many people as possible. We want to treat everyone who uses our services with respect, kindness and fairness, so that “every voice matters”.

Our processes as a team and an employer

As an employer, we want our processes of recruitment, induction, training, management, pastoral support, appraisal and promotion to nurture and develop a diverse team of people, different in many ways but united by a common mission.

Our public support for equality, diversity and inclusion

As an organisation, we want to visibly stand for a more equal, accepting and fair world in which everyone is valued, and all forms of prejudice are challenged.

Our personal development

As members of the Care Opinion team, we want to deepen our awareness and understanding of prejudice in the world around us, the unconscious biases in the world within us, and how we are privileged or harmed by our unequal world.

First steps

As our first steps on this path, we will

  • Appointment a lead for equality, diversity and inclusion within Care Opinion
  • Form a small working group to encourage and support progress by each team within the company
  • Ensure that equality, diversity and inclusion issues are raised as a standing item at the Care Opinion board


From time to time we will blog about our progress on this agenda, and link to the blog posts from this page so you can see how we are getting on.