How can people share their story


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So that sharing feedback is easy and accessible to everyone, there are a few different ways that people can share their story on Care Opinion. 

The 3 different options are:

1. Submitting Story Directly to the Care Opinion Website:This is the most common way that people share their story. We recommend that this is the best way to share stories for anyone who is able to. People simply need to go to then click “Tell your story” and follow the simple steps to do so. Staff members/volunteers are able to support someone through this process, and the following sheets in this resource pack will explain and give instructions for this process.

2.Filling in a free-post Care Opinion feedback leaflet: Most services that have a Care Opinion Subscription have access to a number of feedback leaflets. These leaflets are ideal for giving to patients/service users who do not have internet access or do not feel confident sharing their story using the website. The feedback leaflet allows people to write (or draw) their story on the form, answer a few simple questions e.g. name of service and postcode, and then simply seal the leaflet and pop it in the post. The leaflets are posted to the Care Opinion offices where the Care Opinion team will add the story to the website on the story teller’s behalf, simple!

3. Phoning Care Opinion: For anyone who is unable to share their story via the website or feedback leaflet, they can phone the Care Opinion team. A member of the team will take the person’s story whilst on the phone, and then submit the story on Care Opinion on their behalf. The number to call is 0800 122 31 35.

Supporting someone to share their story as a member of staff/volunteer In addition, staff/volunteers can support people to share their story. The following pages in this resource pack will go through advice and instructions to support people to share their story.

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