Learn more about Care Opinion


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Here you will learn about who we are, and what drives the work we do. 

Our team

Care Opinion have a growing team of knowledgeable and helpful staff members in England and Scotland. 

To find out more about our wonderful staff, head to The Team page 

Vision, Mission & Values

The Care Opinion vision, mission and values are at the heart of everything we do. We are an organisation that cares and want to see this reflected in all areas of our work and practice. 

To learn more, head to the Vision, Mission & Values page 


We strive to be a diverse, equal and inclusive organisation. We are continually looking at our practice, and we commit to a programme of action to help us grow our awareness, understanding, and practices in support of equality, diversity, and inclusion. 

To learn more, head to our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion page


In line with our Vision, Mission & Values, we want to be proactive in displaying our commitment. We have memberships and accreditations to a number of schemes and endeavour to build upon these in the future. 

To learn more, head to About our organisation 

If your service is based anywhere in the UK and you are interested in finding out more about a subscription, then email the address below, and we will direct you to the right member of the Care Opinion team: subscribing@careopinion.org.uk