Staff and Volunteer Overview


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If you would like to hear more stories from the people who use your services, then think about how your staff and volunteers are encouraging people to feed back on Care Opinion.  Although this guidance focuses on volunteers its also relevant for students, mentors, advocates who might be in a position to help the public with giving feedback.  

To help you with this process, we have developed a practical set of resources which have been designed to help train and guide members of staff or volunteers through the process of the assisted story telling process. 

The pages provide both general information about Care Opinion and a step by step guide to supporting someone to share their feedback. It then has instructions to upload the feedback as a ‘story’ on the Care Opinion website on the story teller’s behalf.

Volunteer coordinators or staff managers may wish to use the pages to train groups or individuals to take feedback from patients, service users or carers in a range of health and social care settings. These pages have been designed to be suitable for a range of providers and sectors such as hospitals, health watches and care homes for third sector, private, and public services.

If adding stories using the "staff member posting on behalf of..." option, this should account for less than 5% of your organisation's total stories

More guidance 

Resources for Volunteers and Staff



Please read the tool kit before using the form. This is only to be used if there is no internet access

These pages are designed to introduce Volunteers and Staff to Care Opinion, and to provide the information they need to assist authors with their stories.

Volunteer FAQ page

Assisting people with sharing their stories

Submitting stories to Care Opinion

Step by step conversation guide

Volunteer Guidance for how to manage volunteers