Star Responder


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Nominate a Star Responder!

Has someone in your subscription written a response to a Care Opinion story that you think is brilliant? Why not nominate them for our Star Responder Award?

We'll select some winners and celebrate them at our next conference. They'll get a certificate and a special badge for their lanyard!

What to do...

Simply fill in the form below (you can nominate more than one staff member- you will need to go the link each time).

Put your nomination forward using this simple form

Handy Tip: You can search for responses made by a particular staff member. Here's how to do it.

A Star Response goes above and beyond a good response. 

A good response can make the world of difference. It lets the author know they’ve been listened to and valued. And it can help your organisation show how you’re making important changes.

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So, what makes a 'Star' response?

In addition to doing everything listed above, here is what we are looking for in a Star Response:

Ready to nominate your Star Responders?

Here is the link to nominate your Star Responder.

Good luck!