Resources for teaching staff


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The stories on Care Opinion have been shared by people with the intent that they be used for learning and change.

You are free to use the stories and responses you see on Care Opinion in your teaching and assignments (see below for licence details).

Getting started

It is quick and easy to get started. It's free, you don't have to ask, and there is a recent blog post to help you.

As the blog post says: Choose your topic, find some stories, ask some questions. You'll be surprised how much there is to learn from a story.

And if you do use Care Opinion in your teaching, we would love to hear from you!

October 2023: blog from Prof Kate Owen at Warwick University on "Using Care Opinion stories to deliver a Patient Safety Workshop"

Learning topics Care Opinion can support

The stories on Care Opinion are rich and varied, and will support learning across a wide variety of curriculum topics. For example:

Patient experienceQuality improvement
Carer/family experienceShared decision making
CommunicationTeam working
CulturePerson-centred care
Access to careEthical issues
Patient safety/harmConcerns and complaints
CompassionApology and duty of candour

Introducing Care Opinion to students

This animation (from our home page) introduces Care Opinion in just 2 minutes.

This video from NHS Fife gives insight into the perspectives of both patients and staff.

More videos about Care Opinion

Chats, podcasts and blog posts about Care Opinion

We are planning a series of recorded chats with people using Care Opinion in education. We'll have the first chat posted soon!

Here is a podcast of James Munro, CEO of Care Opinion, in conversation with Tessa Richards, senior editor at the BMJ:

Don't forget that there are new blogposts about Care Opinion in education posted regularly.

Care Opinion for student research projects

Care Opinion is a rich and convenient source of narratives for student research projects at undergraduate, masters or PhD level.

Example undergraduate medical student projects:

What are women saying about postnatal care?

The impact of non-clinical staff on patient experience

A blog from two students on industry placement in Leeds:

Industry placement student’s experience at the YQSR

Licence conditions for Care Opinion and posts

Stories and responses published on Care Opinion can be used in student teaching, assignments and research projects, subject to the licence conditions below.

Care Opinion stories and responses are shared subject to a Creative Commons licence and may be used, with attribution, for non-commercial purposes. stories and responses are also available via Care Opinion. These are shared subject to an Open Government Licence.

Extend your use of Care Opinion with a subscription

If you want to go further with Care Opinion, please consider subscribing to our service. 

More info coming soon.