Why can't I respond to a story?


Error updating site page. We've logged the issue, please try again later.

This is a frequently asked question and one that often catches responders out.

Requirements for posting a response:

  1. To post a response, you must be a member of a subscription on Care Opinion and have responding access
  2. You must be logged into your Care Opinion account

You can find out more about member roles and how to see your role on this help page.

Responding from an email alert

You can follow the link to a story from the email alert you have received to reply immediately but this will only log you in the first time you click the link. 

After that, the link will still send you to the story but you will not be logged and you will not see the reply box. This is for security reasons, you can now forward the email link and be confident no one else can access your account.

This can make it look like you have lost your responding rights, but you just need to log back in.

Responding after logging back in

Once you have logged back in you need to go back to the story. It should be in your recently read section. You can find this in your left hand menu;

Or you can click the link in your email alert again. You will now be logged in and can see the reply box

Responding to older stories

Care Opinion remove responding rights to all stories over 3 years old if your subscription has not already replied. Or if your subscription's last response was over 5 years ago