"Cherry Ward, waiting to see the doctor"

About: Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust / Mental Health Services for Older People – Inpatient

(as a staff member posting for a patient/service user),

Posted on behalf of a patient on Cherry Ward

Sometime we have to wait a long time to see the doctor. My husband also had to wait a long time with me.

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Response from Andrea Ward, General Manager , Mental Health Services for Older People, Nottinghamshire Healthcare 11 years ago
We are preparing to make a change
Andrea Ward
General Manager , Mental Health Services for Older People,
Nottinghamshire Healthcare
Submitted on 19/12/2013 at 13:34
Published on Care Opinion on 20/12/2013 at 09:47

I'm really sorry to hear that you haven't been able to see the doctor as quickly as you would like and that this has caused difficulties with your husband. I'm very keen that we try and improve this for you and will speak to Dr. Ola Junaid who is the senior consultant (Clinical Director) for older people's services. I will ask hime to review the doctor cover on the ward and the times that they visit. I will also speak to Sharon Howe who is the Matron for older people and ask her to ensure that the ward displays the times that the doctors visit to make patients aware. I will also ask her to discuss with the Ward Manager how the staff can keep patients and carers better informed about appointment times and if the doctors are running late.

Thank you very much for sharing your experiences with us and helping us to improve the way we do things.

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Response from Veronica Smith, Operational Manager (Clinical), Mental Health Services for Older People Highbury Hospital, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 11 years ago
Veronica Smith
Operational Manager (Clinical), Mental Health Services for Older People Highbury Hospital,
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 22/01/2014 at 15:19
Published on Care Opinion at 15:46

Sharon Howe Matron spoke to the Deputy Ward Manager to clarify the situation. The ward Consultant has two sessions a week to see the patients, however this means that she is unable to see all patients on a weekly basis. The Consultant has a weekly relatives review session and that is limited to four appointments which can be booked via the ward staff. Unfortunately there are occasions when the Consultant is running late due to unforeseen circumstances. The Consultant will always try to let the ward know so that they can advise the waiting relatives/carers. Consultant visiting times are contained within the ward leaflet which patients are given on admission.

Sharon will continue to monitor this as we strive to improve our service.

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Response from Helen Forrester, Ward Manager, Cherry Ward Highbury Hospital, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust 11 years ago
Helen Forrester
Ward Manager, Cherry Ward Highbury Hospital,
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
Submitted on 24/01/2014 at 09:44
Published on Care Opinion at 11:53

The ward consultant Dr Gill Pinner and I have discussed including the Doctors on the daily 'who's on shift' board and that she will amend her diary to ensure she runs to time for her tuesday session with relatives and community staff. I hope this will be helpful, please let us know how this is working for you.

Thanks for your comments, they do help us to make changes to our service that are helpful to you the patients and carers.

Best wishes

Helen Forrester

Cherry Ward Manager

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