Since being discharged from hospital, the staff are very polite and supportive. They are there if you need them and they are very understanding people. FOS help me at the hostel, ICS is very nice and clean and comfortable. I have found FOS team, doctor, social worker and nurse understood me, I feel like I have been given confidence to get my life on track. The doctor is very understanding, my social worker, and nurse are brilliant to me, they are doing the best they can. They make me feel trusted, they listen to me, I needed that. I feel understood and that allows me to concentrate on my career, my training, and get on with my life because with a good team I feel more motivated. The hostel staff are so good. All of them make me feel positive for the future.
"My experiences of the Forensic Outreach Service"
About: 141 Vicarage Farm Road 141 Vicarage Farm Road TW5 0AA West London NHS Trust West London NHS Trust Southall UB2 4SD
Posted by AmmSiy (as ),
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