"The Recovery College Nottingham : Duncan Macmillan site"

About: Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust / Nottingham Recovery College

(as a service user),

Hi I'm A Catherine Wheel and I access my mental health services from the Stonebridge Centre, for the City Local Mental Health Services City East Team, Nottingham.

My post is about the Recovery College on the Duncan Macmillan site, in Nottingham

In Nottingham we can have 3 academic terms at the Recovery College and can take several courses each term.  More courses than I could certainly have benefitted from.

I found the courses I chose such as Anxiety Management, Mindfulness, Confidence, getting a good night's sleep, and research methods for conducting health research were all excellent and I got such a lot out of them.  I'm still working on what I learnt and will do so for the rest of my life.  These were all starter courses going through the basics to set people on their way.  Excellent in content, well delivered and paced, fun at times,  always enjoyable, with handouts etc to take away and keep.   They are put together and presented and reviewed by trained service users, practitioners, and tutors from local colleges etc.  The courses really are amazing. Bang on the button.

More than just the courses though, people who attend are treated well, met with courtesy and kindness, receive a warm welcome that is carried through all the three academic terms. Also because the experience is so good, we all have a great time, enjoy meeting each other, have coffee etc together and share stories and comments etc.  It's just entirely positive.  We are upbeat, and hopefully this is reflected in the feedback we give at the end of our courses.

So I just wonder if you could think about the following for us Recovery College participants to make the excellent, stunning!!!

1.  Could you think about the access only for 3 academic terms?  

3 terms for  a person's entire adult life seems a little "brief".  Yes we can cram in loads of courses in that time.  I however cancelled several because there was just too much to sort out before I felt able to do the next one.  The sifting, sorting my notes with the given notes, to have a handle on what I'd learned so I could put that down a bit and learn from another essential course I'd picked.  So I didn't do all that many courses anyway.  Plus I did fall apart and missed a course doing that!

Also I didn't really know what I'd want for my whole life.  Now I know I'd have liked to do some other courses that now I feel I could use to benefit the person I am now. I'm different now, my requirements are different too.  I'm older, I have many other concerns now too.  I've had my three terms, and I can't access the Recovery College anymore as long as my mortal life is. That makes me feel a bit vulnerable, on my own.

There's bits too I'd like to ask about, eg from Anxiety Management.  I'd love to ask a bit more, things I might not have got "right", perhaps take other stuff a bit further.  But I've looked "out there" and can't find a course to go on anywhere else. 

2.  Feedback.  

We do feedback immediately after a course.   Have you thought about long-term feedback?  How have we done, and how has our course helped a year or two or three down the line?  What would we like covered now we've had this long-term experience of living after a course?  How effective is it in the long-term etc?  Do we need anything else now?

Also we don't seem to know what happens to the feedback we give.  We often said this over coffee.  Do you do a report or something?  If so, where are the reports, can we see them?

3.  If, say, you changed a policy that might affect people who've been there before, eg if you did change the access policy, how would we know?  Do you tell former students about what's going on? If you don't do you think you will?

4.  Research

Have you any research reports you might have compiled on things like how much a person can take in, studying, and how many courses it's effective to do at a given time?  Is it a bit of a waste to cram in as many as you can?  Is 3 academic terms "right" for learning etc?

Have you any research or know of research that's looked into the long-term prospects for people who have attended a Recovery College, and how effective  Recovery Colleges are over time?

It would be so interesting to know what we are involved in, and how we come to be involved, to have Recovery Colleges and models, and how they do or maybe don't work for us.  It' d be great to be part of it all. To think.

Well, thanks for the Recovery College, it is excellent, and I'm a fan!

A Catherine Wheel in the Certain Ages with nothing to lose and everything to gain.


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Response from Jane Danforth, Involvement & Experience Officer, Involvement, Experience and Volunteering Team, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust 5 years ago
Jane Danforth
Involvement & Experience Officer, Involvement, Experience and Volunteering Team,
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

Working in partnership with Care Opinion to gather feedback, meaning we find out what we do well and how you think we should improve. We really do want to hear from you and we reply to every story.

Submitted on 04/04/2019 at 21:09
Published on Care Opinion on 05/04/2019 at 09:42

picture of Jane Danforth

I'm sorry it's taking a bit of time to get a full response to your feedback...please bear with us. Normal service will resume soon!

In the meantime, I've asked the Recovery College to comment and think about your story plus I've spoken to our senior analyst Chris about the feedback collected at the college after courses.

If you want to have a look at what is being said about courses at the college it can be found here: http://feedback.nottinghamshirehealthcare.nhs.uk/

There's a new dashboard on the ‘View reports’ tab so any feedback on this too would be great. E.g. Can you find your way around it without too much effort and are you able to see what is being said and understand it easily? It's work in progress and Chris is constantly tweaking to make it function smoothly. (again, bear with him on this as we have a big ‘wish list’ of website tweaks)

You might be interested to know that I shared your post with Julian Eve, our Associate Director of Learning and Organisational Development. Some of the other points you have raised mean I need to do a bit of research myself to find out who is best to answer that bit for you but I'm on the case and hope the next reply will help.

Thank you so much for your thoughtful suggestions, questions and positive comments. It’s the only way we can improve at Nottshc.


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Response from Chris Beeley, Senior Analyst, Involvement, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust 5 years ago
Chris Beeley
Senior Analyst, Involvement,
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

Build the software for Nottinghamshire Healthcare's staff, patient, and carer experience data

Submitted on 05/04/2019 at 11:56
Published on Care Opinion at 12:54

picture of Chris Beeley

Hello, sorry I've been a while replying, I just launched a new reporting system for our feedback data and I've been deluged with feature requests and bug reports.

All of our feedback is visible online at our dedicated system which can be found here: http://suce.co.uk:8080/apps/SUCE/.

As I mentioned, it's a new system to replace the one we've had since 2013, so please excuse any rough edges or bugs. If you have any questions about the system or have any comments about how it can be improved please feel free to email me. The system is in active development and I have big plans for it. Writing this has made me realise they aren't written down anywhere so I just blogged here if you're interested https://chrisbeeley.net/?p=1214.

You can reach me on chris.beeley@nottshc.nhs.uk.

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Response from Julian Eve, Associate Director, Learning and Organisational Development, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 5 years ago
Julian Eve
Associate Director, Learning and Organisational Development,
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 05/04/2019 at 16:30
Published on Care Opinion at 16:44

Hello - a great set of posts. We are proud of the work that is co-produced at the Nottingham Recovery College. Nationally and internationally there is some really interesting research taking place around Recovery Colleges. If you would like to make contact for me to signpost these - please do email me via Julian.eve@nottshc.nhs.uk


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Update posted by A Catherine Wheel (a service user)

Hi Jane, Julian and Chris

Thanks so much for such positive responses and for being so welcoming and generous in sharing where things are and demystifying this aspect of the Trust for me!

I will definitely have a go at the laptop access to things. The laptop world is not my first port of call for anything, but I'm up for giving it a good go! I have wondrous laptop accidents and do get to the most amazing items of interest this way. Brace yourselves for my feedback on how I do at finding stuff using your leads!

Thanks so much for helping me, and for realising that people do want to be engaged, do take an interest, and just like you would like to be part of making relevant, timely, and accessible services available for all of us, so we can all have enriched lives. Every person, everywhere.

A Catherine Wheel

Response from Jane Danforth, Involvement & Experience Officer, Involvement, Experience and Volunteering Team, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust 5 years ago
Jane Danforth
Involvement & Experience Officer, Involvement, Experience and Volunteering Team,
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

Working in partnership with Care Opinion to gather feedback, meaning we find out what we do well and how you think we should improve. We really do want to hear from you and we reply to every story.

Submitted on 09/04/2019 at 16:17
Published on Care Opinion at 16:51

picture of Jane Danforth

Hi Again,

The mobile version of the feedback website works pretty well so don't think you have to resort to a laptop. In fact it would be great to hear if you can get the information you need without having to brace yourself for a full tech meltdown (no matter how wondrous)

Fingers crossed it works and if it doesn't Chris will have to add it to his ever expanding list of fixes and wish lists!


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Update posted by A Catherine Wheel (a service user)

Hi Jane, glad you have a mobile access for those with a mobile phone. Luckily for me I don't own one! This means I can look out the window on buses and avoid thumb ache!

A Catherine Wheel

Response from Helen Brown, Nottingham Recovery College Manager, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS trust 5 years ago
Helen Brown
Nottingham Recovery College Manager,
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS trust
Submitted on 12/04/2019 at 14:08
Published on Care Opinion at 15:16

Hello A Catherine Wheel

Thank you very much for your inspiring, and reflective feedback. It is great to hear feedback on the content and delivery of our courses, the culture and way of working we have at the Recovery College and the positive impact it has had on your Recovery. At the heart of the Recovery College are the Peer Trainers and it is their passion, commitment, compassion and teaching skills that are fundamental in providing the culture you have so eloquently described. I will be passing this feedback onto them.

We regards to the wider points and questions you raise, these are very interesting and relevant. We developed our student pathway some years ago to be educational, supportive, inclusive and progressive; with the capacity to offer student places to an optimum amount of patients.

Each student’s journey is individual: some may try and fit many courses in during their time at college, and others like to spread their learning out more. Whichever way a student decides to learn, we try to support people as much as we can to ensure each person gets the most out of their time at college, along with support from the Trust’s wider teams and healthcare professionals.

I hope that you find the information Julian and Chris provide helpful. I would be very happy to meet with you to hear your ideas and thoughts from a student perspective, as the student voice is very important to us. If you would like to contact me by email to arrange a meeting I would be happy to hear from you.

Thank you again for such insightful and considered feedback about our Recovery College.

  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful

Update posted by A Catherine Wheel (a service user)

Oh Helen, sorry for not getting back to you. I didn't know where to get one of these reply rectangles from! Now I've cracked it, I just have to sign in to my account and one appears!!! The laptop world is not where I sparkle and spin as A Catherine Wheel!

I would like to take you up on your offer of meeting with you, and would ask you to let me contact you for this, as I've asked Julian for some ideas of reading etc around Recovery, Journeys of Recovery, Recovery Colleges etc that I'd like to look at first.

I'm not too certain by your reply if the reply meets my specific notion of 3 terms for an adult life time, though. I'm sure we can talk further on this, plus your suggestion that there's support from the Trust's wider teams and healthcare professionals suggests some sort of link up. That does interest me if this is part of the decision to ration access the way it is done.

However, I'd like to see what Julian comes up with for me, and when I've done some reading and reflection I'd love to meet up with you and consider all of this.

The Recovery College is a huge success, and the peer trainers and college tutors together delivering courses is outstanding. Yes the Recovery College is a triumph and maybe that is why I'm so interested in the whole thing about Recovery, journeys of recovery, and Recovery Colleges. I do though like to explore lots of angles, and being a critical critic I like to be measured along with passionate! And at my age you know, armchair, slippers, and good book do beckon!

Thanks so much for replying.

A Catherine Wheel

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