"My experience of Ward B2"

About: Bassetlaw Hospital / Ward B2

(as a service user),

Following an 8 week stay on ward B2 I felt thoroughly ready to commit suicide. Having been admitted with a psychosis due to lack of slept I left feeling dejected, degraded and utterly depressed. I felt that staff were corrupt and offered patients extra cigarette breaks in exchange for dishonourable 'favours'.

I went without medication frequently as it 'wasn't ordered' whilst on another occasion was given antipsychotic medication I was not prescribed. Fortunately I spotted the mistake, whether deliberate or not, and it had to be recorded as a drug error. I was given a depot injection so high in my gluteus it hit the nerves in my lower back muscles giving me pain for 4 days on lying down. Nutrition came in the form of aeroplane style tray food in a segregated dining room with meals on wheels.

There is no social inclusion and when I asked to go to the hospital canteen where all the staff and 'physical' patients and carers go I was told by canteen staff I could but not to 'disturb' the general public.

Confidentiality is non-existent on the ward and I frequently heard staff discussing other patient's business with other patients or in front of other patients. There was violence, a complete disregard for how women might feel on a mixed ward with nowhere to go away from the men (men were allowed to use the only ladies lounge). Staff mocked patients openly whilst bragging about their credentials as forensic mental health workers.

I felt this was a trip to the dark ages of mental health care and one I don't wish to repeat. I'd give recommendations to improve this unit but the only conclusion I can draw based on my experience is to shut it down and use other facilities. 

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Sally Redgate, Acute Service Manager (North), Millbrook Mental Health Unit, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust 5 years ago
Sally Redgate
Acute Service Manager (North), Millbrook Mental Health Unit,
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
Submitted on 16/05/2019 at 10:32
Published on Care Opinion at 10:34

Dear Cindy89

Firstly, thank you for bringing your experience to my attention, sadly it is not the experience you or I had hoped for, I apologise for this and will address your concerns directly with the managers involved with the services you have mentioned. In the meantime I would like to reassure you that I will address these issues and I will do this by;

Exploring with the ward team the issue of misuse of cigarettes, Im interested in your statement ‘dishonourable favours’ and would like clarity on the specific meaning, if you would like to talk this and other issues with me further please do not hesitate to contact me (details below). The ward adheres to the Trust Smoke Free Policy which guides staff how to achieve a smoke free environment within the inpatient areas this includes storage and the giving out of cigarettes to those that do smoke. Staff should not be using them as a token for anything the Trust would not approve of.

The Modern Matron attached to Ward B2 has been actively involved with medication safety and has seen staff individually to address and manage medication errors. Medication errors are not acceptable and the Trust is strongly committed to patient safety, however, I am saddened that our nurses did not identify the error but I am assured that the Ward B2 management with Matron has addressed this.

B2 medication is supplied by Bassetlaw General District Hospital (BDGH) and there can be delays in supply to the medication B2 requests. Again, Matron will raise this with the BDGH pharmacy services.

In regards to your discomfort when receiving the depot injection Im sorry to hear this but I would advise that you discuss the pain with your community support team or GP, there are ways we can make this less uncomfortable and pain free.

In regards to the canteen experience and food issue I have passed this onto Modern Matron who has the responsibility for hospitality and environmental care. She has informed me she attends a meeting with Bassetlaw General District Hospital where she will raise the food quality and food delivery and the comments raised by canteen staff. I would like to reassure you that our patients normally receive a friendly welcome nonetheless, you shouldn’t have been subjected to this.

Confidentiality on the ward should not be compromised, I have already spoken with the team about maintaining confidentiality and the clinical leadership team have been requested to ensure staff adhere to GDPR.

The ladies lounge should be used for ladies only, I have asked the Clinical Leadership team to ensure this room is a protected and safe area for ladies of which Matron and I will spot check when we go onto the ward however, being a mixed sex ward can present challenges in terms of ensuring a healing environment is provided by all.

I hope the above narrative assures you that I will address your comments and that the team on B2 is aware of your experience so, they can reflect and improve patient care experiences. However, I'm saddened that after your admission on the ward you felt low and disappointed with us, if you would like to talk over your posting please contact me. Your posting will aid our reflective learning within the team to improve standards of care.

Sally Redgate

Acute Service Manager

AMH services

Nottinghamshire healthcare trust

0115 969 1300 x 14842

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