"My drug and alcohol addiction and my recovery journey"

About: Swanswell Loughborough

(as a service user),

I have been in treatment for many many years. I have had my treatment provided by both the NHS and a charity called Swanswell.

About a year ago I decided I would like the opportunity to go to residential rehabilitation.

My drug worker referred me to the local community care grant team (local council) and I was assessed as appropriate for funding. I was then referred for an inpatient detox at the local hospital. I found the whole process very positive and I was looking forward to going to rehab and changing my life for good.

However, within 2 days of being in rehab I was disheartened and demoralised: I hit a brick wall. It wasn't what I'd expected. I expected to do some group work and some one to one therapy but not all day every day and in the evening! I expected to have some free time and some recreational activities to help me to relax. However, there was no structured activities other than the talking therapies. I only stayed for 10 days and then returned home.

Since returning home, I have been re-referred for funding as I still want to successfully complete a 6 month residential rehabilitation but the choice is very limited. I will be visiting a few more rehabs with my worker before making a choice.

I think it would be very helpful to have structured day programmes in place in the community, so people didn't have to go away to residential rehab. I would benefit from attending a venue with structured activities from 8am to 5pm every day. I am sure the cost of this would be cheaper than residential rehab? !

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Response from Director of Eastern Region, Swanswell Loughborough 11 years ago
Submitted on 21/02/2014 at 11:50
Published on Care Opinion at 13:52

Hi MV and thank you for your comment.

You make some interesting points about residential rehab. What it highlights for me is that not only should the individual be absolutely sure that residential rehab is the right option for them, but that they ‘shop around’ a little to make sure that the particular rehab is the most suitable one to meet their needs. It’s a big step in your recovery journey and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. I’m glad you’re doing a little research beforehand as it’s the preparation that makes a difference to the outcome.

We will consider what you have fed back so that we can improve how we help people make the right decision about what is the most suitable option when is come to residential rehab.

I think you’re absolutely right in suggesting that a Structured Day Program (SDP) is often a more appropriate route for the individual, particularly if their domestic situation is relatively stable. We offer SDP at our Loughborough and Coalville bases, which as well as helping the individual put stability slowly back into their life, helps them develop new skills and strategies to build a sustained and meaningful recovery.

Anyway thanks again for your comment, it was very insightful and please ask your substance Misuse Worker for further information about our structured day programme in Loughborough and Coalville or our group work programme in the South of Leicestershire and Rutland.

On behalf of Swanswell may I wish you well in your continued recovery journey

Rich - Operations Manager

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