On this 2nd May 2024, we held our Spring conference called “What happens when we start listening to each other?”. We were delighted to welcome guest speakers and attendees from around the UK who were interested in the power of online public feedback to positively impact health and care services.
This half day event was split in to 3 sessions, and we are pleased to share the recordings, presentations and research mentioned in each session here. I had the honour of being the conference host for the morning and guided everyone through each session.
Part 1:
In the first part of our conference, our very own Sarah Ashurst provided an Introduction to the 'Tell your story' workflow and introduced our new children's character the Care Opinion bear, who helps children and young people to share their experience of care. This was followed by session 2, where Care Opinion CEO Dr James Munro spoke with Dr Fadhila Mazanderani and Prof Ellen Stewart about Beyond cards and complaints: what is different about sharing patient experience online?
Care Opinion Spring Conference 24 - Part 1 from CareOpinion on Vimeo.
Part 2:
The Care Opinion support team then welcomed our guest speakers who provided presentations on 'The impact of listening'. where they talked about how they use Care Opinion within their services and shared some impactful stories where the impact on the author has be been clearly visible. This was followed by an engaging Q&A speakers for this session included: Gail Patel, Team lead psychotherapist, from Perth and Kinross Long Covid service, April Brooks, Lead nurse Devon Sexual Health, Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and finally Maria Garvey, Lead Midwife COMC from Southern Health and Social Care Trust.
Care Opinion Spring Conference 24 part 2 from CareOpinion on Vimeo.
Part 3:
In the final part of the conference we had our very own Fraser Gilmore hosting session 4: So you've responded to a story, what next?
Fraser invited 3 guest speakers to talk about how they closed the feedback loop and the impact this has on the services they work in. He was joined by Alison Irwin, Head of Equality, Northern Health and Social Care Trust, Pauline Donnelly, Person Centred Manager, NHS Forth Valley and finally Rachael Burley, Cluster Manager Inclusion Services, Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
And to close the half day conference we hosted our first ever Star Nominations Awards, where all the winners had been nominated by staff in their organisation. It was super inspiring to hear such personal and empathetic responses which lead to real change and also to celebrate when staff have gone above and beyond in their responding duties on Care Opinion.
Our 3 star responders were Karen Wilson from NHS Ayrshire and Arran, Sandy Carney from Belfast Health and Social Care Trust and finally Alice Brooks from Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.
Care Opinion Spring Conference 24 Part 3 from CareOpinion on Vimeo.
We are delighted that all of our guest speakers shared their presentation and research with us which you can download below:
- Introduction to the Tell-Your-Story Process: CO-for-story-tellers-may-conf-24.pptx
- The impact of listening: The Impact of Listening.pptx
- Star Responder Ceremony: Star Responder Awards Presentation.pptx
- April Brooks:Care Opinion Impact presentation April Brooks 2024.pptx
- Rachael Burley:COC PP Rachael Burley.pptx
- Maria Garvey: CoMC presentation Maria Garvey.pdf
- Gail Patel: Gail Patel - The impact of listening - CO Conference 020524.pptx
- Pauline Donnelly: PD Care Opinion Presentation - Pauline Donnelly.pptx
Mazanderani et al (2021) Caring for care: Online feedback in the context of public healthcare services
Ellen Stewart: How the Britain loves the NHS - Chapter 6: Using and loving the NHS
Care Opinion's Spring Conference 2024
Care Opinion's Spring Conference 2024 https://patientopinion.blob.core.windows.net/profile-pictures/add6137d-4a12-4d91-9d08-5c6a3b4e314d.jpg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Care Opinion
Posted by Tracy Molloy, Subscriber Services Manager, Subscriber Support, Care Opinion, on
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