WRC Phone Survey Results

Update from Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

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About: Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Forensic mental health / Low secure services

Dear All,

               We recently carried out a phone survey to review the effectiveness of our Carers strategy.  I am really pleased with the feedback we received as it will help us to work on some of the points raised, particularity around contact planning and 'activity visits'.  I am pleased that some of the comments reflect the commitment to care displayed by staff at The Wells Road Centre.  

I will be posting the results of the report to carers but thought I would make it available for wider comment.  Click the link in the attachment to view the document:

Phone Questionnaire to review the Effectiveness of our Carers Strategy 2015 Report.docx

(Carers were contacted by letter prior to the completion of this survey).  

The strategy itself is available in my previous Blog posting.  



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