Hospice case studies


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Care Opinion work with Hospices all across the UK, and below are a few case studies. 

Kilbryde Hospice logo

Kilbryde Hospice

Kilbryde Hospice provides specialist palliative care to patients with life-limiting progressive illnesses. The hospice has been using Care Opinion to listen to patients and their families for several years, and we were delighted to have their Clinical Services Manager, Margaret Mary Cowan, tell us why listening is so important to them.

Kibryde Hospice Case study - Care Opinion from CareOpinion on Vimeo.

University Hospitals Dorset logo

University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

In April 2020 an innovative partnership came together to invite people to share their end-of-life experiences on Care Opinion.

  • Dorset Healthcare University Foundation Trust
  • University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust
  • Lewis-Manning Hospice Care
  • Forest Holme Hospice Charity
  • Care Opinion
  • Magma Effect
  • A volunteer with personal experience of bereavement

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The team have documented the journey from the start, through a blog series, University Hospitals Dorset blog series, reflecting on the project's beginnings, bumps along the way, and outcomes and learnings from this valuable piece of work.  

You can watch the video 'Feedback at the end of life', with Saskie Dorman, Helen Snelgrove, and Jackie Le Fevre speaking at our Spring 2022 Care Opinion Conference below. Read the blog 'Feedback at the end of life' 

Care Opinion Spring Online Conference 2022 - Session 2 - Feedback at the end of life from CareOpinion on Vimeo.

St Luke's Hospice logo

St Lukes Hospice Harrow and Brent 

St Luke’s Hospice in Harrow has subscribed to Care Opinion since 2016.

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They have embraced the use of Care Opinion to actively listen to their patients, family members, and carers who access hospice services. This shows via a multitude of positive praise shared on Care Opinion: St Lukes' Hospice – Harrow Care Opinion Stories 

The challenge of generating more critical stories, led to the support team at Care Opinion developing the ‘Framing the Ask’ webinar. View the latest recorded ‘Framing the ask’ webinar 

To read a story that led to a practical change being implemented, click here: Not a place of doom and gloom, but laughter and sunshine 

Below is a video showing people how they can feed back on the care received at St Luke's through the Care Opinion website. 

If your service is based anywhere in the UK and you are interested in finding out more about a subscription, then email the address below, and we will direct you to the right member of the Care Opinion team: subscribing@careopinion.org.uk