Third Sector case studies


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Change, Grow, Live logo

Change, Grow, Live (CGL)

Care Opinion has been working with Change, Grow, Live (CGL) since January 2019.

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CGL is a large 3rd sector Drug and Alcohol provider with many services based across the UK. CGL's main goal is to make a difference in people’s lives and this is why hearing from the people who use their services is vital.  It is why they chose Care Opinion as one of the ways to encourage people to share their stories and listen to their experiences of using the services they provide.

The challenge for such a huge nationwide organisation to implement Care Opinion was getting each service up to speed with all the features and functionality Care Opinion has to offer. 

CGL actively seek out feedback from the people who use their services as it helps to reassure and inspire other people who are in the same situation. Stories help them improve their services.

We have examples of how an author sharing their story about the support they got from CGL Birmingham inspired someone else 12 months later to access the service and take steps to get into recovery. The service was able to add a 2nd response to inform the 1st author what a difference their story had made. Read the story here

CGL have produced a fantastic video explaining what benefits Care Opinion has bought for them and the people they work with. It demonstrates how sharing knowledge through open and honest conversations can lead to positive learning and change. 

To find out more about their Care Opinion journey, read the CGL blogs

NHS Inclusion logo


Inclusion has been one of Care Opinion’s longest subscribers within the field of substance misuse. 

Inclusion sit's within an NHS Trust but is based in over 60 locations across the country providing support in community-based locations meeting a range of different needs.

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More recently, Inclusion have started to implement Care Opinion within their Sexual Health Services and HIV clinics, with huge success using mainly the Invitation links on the Inclusion Open Clinic website  and on QR codes within the clinics.

There has been nearly 800 stories shared about Sexual Health Services within the 1st year, which is very impressive!

To find out about their journey so far, read the blog 'Celebrating 1st year of online feedback within Sexual Health services' 

Inclusion have a strategic business plan which incorporates the implementation of Care Opinion as the main feedback system across all services within the organisation, including:

  • Substance misuse services (including work in prisons)
  • IAPT
  • Sexual Health
  • Alcohol rehabilitation
  • A new service that supports people with gambling addiction.

Here is Mark Frost Clinical Psychologist for the Inclusion IAPT service speaking at our Annual Care Opinion Conference in 2021.

Image titleSix Degrees 

Six Degrees Social Enterprise have been subscribed to Care Opinion for several years now, initially gathering feedback for their IAPT and Empowering Conversation project.

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More recently the organisation has reached out to gather stories from 2 new projects; The Greater Manchester Bereavement Service and their latest pilot service Salford bereavement therapy service. Therapists and counsellors have been sending out the Invitation Links after telephone and Zoom appointments to gain some feedback for these valuable services. They are also in the process of creating bespoke flyers and posters using the Invitation links and QR codes from the Care Opinion site.

If you are a third-sector organisation based anywhere in the UK and you are interested in finding out more about a subscription, then email the address below, and we will direct you to the right member of the Care Opinion team: