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Guy's story


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Your stories make me better at my job

Guy Brookes is Associate Medical Director for Adult Mental Health Services in Leeds

“When I hear the individual stories from Care Opinion I am reminded that, though we build our services to be responsive to people’s needs, this does not always work for everyone.

“This was the case in a number of stories about adult mental health services, in particular the need to provide individual and effective responses to people’s needs outside of usual working hours.

It’s not about having all the answers all the time

“The stories have illustrated the need for us to expand availability of ‘out of hours’ care. Making it accessible to more people, and ensuring the help they are offered relates to their personal needs and individual circumstances.

“For me,having that direct contact with people who tell their story provides a lot of detail that otherwise would not be understood. It becomes a constructive and collaborative process. It’s not about having all the answers all the time, but rather about working together on understanding the issues and finding solutions.”

Read some of the changes that Guy and his colleagues have made using Care Opinion.

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