Nursing and midwifery education


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Care Opinion has been used in nursing and midwifery education by universities across the UK, including Edinburgh, Sheffield Hallam, Birmingham City, Ulster, Bangor and Plymouth.

What did Edinburgh nursing students say about Care Opinion?

"I think the site is excellent, reading good stories is always lovely and reading bad ones makes you think about your own practice. It is highly commendable."

"The emails alerting us to new stories are great, usually they are really relevant and it’s great that the link on the email logs us in automatically."

"The stories are useful because it stimulated us to critique and question the care a person or their relative has received, looking at negative aspects and suggesting improvement, but also positive aspects and learning what matters to people."

"It would be useful to have more opportunities to actually discuss the stories in classes or tutorials, but I think the website is a valuable tool for improving future care and the more stories the better!"

More about this:

Using patient storytelling in nurse education - a study published in the Nursing Times by nursing student Fiona Tevendale and SPSO professional adviser Dorothy Armstrong

Read more feedback from student nurses

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How to get started with Care Opinion - it's quick, easy and free.

Ideas for activities using Care Opinion on clinical placements

Use of Care Opinion in simulated placements

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We regularly share ideas and experiences of using Care Opinion in education on our blog and via Twitter.