Care Opinion in a clinical placement


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How could you use Care Opinion on your clinical placements?

Here are a few ideas for how you might work with Care Opinion in a practical way.

These activities have potential to benefit you, your colleagues, patients and Care Opinion itself.



Tell patients or carers about Care Opinion directly, sharing the link

Patient knows how to give honest feedback safely and easily.

Raised awareness by patients may increase feedback flow to the service.

Help a patient or carer to post their story on Care Opinion, e.g. on a tablet device

Patient can give feedback directly and get a response.

Staff will start to see feedback come in.

You will understand more about what matters to people.

Reflective notes based on stories posted by patients/carers

You could assemble relevant feedback from their setting or a related service and use it to reflect on what matters to people receiving the service.

You will build awareness of what matters to people and how well the service is meeting these needs.

Create an invitation to give feedback appropriate to the clinical setting

You should discuss this with staff and agree and then create something appropriate to the setting.

Patients and staff become more aware of Care Opinion.

Tell staff about Care Opinion and share any existing feedback with them

Staff may be unaware of existing feedback and want to see it.

You should consider how best to engage with staff who may be busy, dismissive or defensive.

Existing stories from patients will lead to additional impact.

Explore staff willingness to respond to feedback

Staff may be unaware they can respond and may not know how to do so. You could help staff gain responding rights and share best practices for responding.

You will gain confidence in supporting staff, and awareness of professional issues in responding.

Staff will become able to respond and gain confidence in doing so.

Patients will see timely, specific and personal responses to their posts.

Summarise feedback about a service for the team or for public display

Care Opinion includes online reporting and data visualisation tools which you can access. You could use these to summarise feedback issues for staff, or for service users (for example for a feedback noticeboard).

You will gain confidence and expertise in using online tools and become more aware of patient views/concerns.

Staff will gain an overview of their feedback.

Service users will gain an overview of feedback.

Increased transparency in the service starts to move culture.

Identify improvement opportunities and possible solutions based on available feedback

Using the available feedback, you could identify one or more improvement opportunities. You might go on to develop a change plan and share it with staff.

You will build awareness of small or large opportunities for improvement, possible improvement actions, and opportunities/obstacles to improvement in practice.

Staff will receive a plan which they may be able to act on.