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All stories about St Luke's Hospital (Armagh), Longstone Hospital, Trust wide Neurology Services / Nurse Led Adult Epilepsy Service, Craigavon Area Hospital / Inpatient wards for mental health, Southern Health & Social Care Trust / Dementia Companions, Adult Disability Services, Memory Services, Mental Health Support and Recovery Services, Mental health unscheduled care services, Primary Mental Health Care Services published between 01/01/2024 and 31/03/2024

By Christine Armstrong, Care Opinion Facilitator, Patient Experience, Southern Health and Social Care Trust

This visualisation uses stories published between 01/01/2024 and 31/03/2024

generated on demand 09/04/2024
story swarm

About the story swarm

A story swarm shows you how your stories are spread over time. Each dot is a story.

You can use colour or shape to show story progress or criticality. You can see all the stories together, or separate them into groups.

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