Updating member role and profile


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To edit other member's details you must be an Administrator on your subscription. See role definitions. 

To change a member's role

  1. You must be logged in. Go to your Members page in the navigation section of the left hand menu.
  2. Find the member in the list and click their name to open up their profile.
  3. In the Member details section you will see Role and their current role, this will be either a Member, a Responder or an Administrator.
  4. Click the pencil icon next to their current role to change to their new role on the subscription
  5. click the green tick to update and save

To change a member's profile information

In the same way you can change a member's role on Care Opinion, you can also edit other details on their account in the same way. From their profile page (see above) you can edit their:

  • Job title  - this will show an any responses they add
  • Department  - this will show an any responses they add
  • Organisation - if this is different from the subscription name
  • Phone number - this will only be visible to other members on your subscription 
  • What they do - this will show on responses if the user hovers over the staff job description 

To add a profile picture on their behalf, click the current picture/avatar and upload the new image. This will appear on their responses.

You can also update their email and name by clicking User details next to their profile picture