Changing your password


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When you first received a login for Care Opinion, you will have been sent an email with your password. The password is generated by the computer and is probably impossible to remember.

Fortunately, you can change your password whenever you like.

How to change your password

Your new password must be at least 6 characters long.

1: Go to your profile page by clicking "Good morning/afternoon [your name]":screen-shot-profile-link2: Go to "your details":screen-shot-your-details

3: Scroll down to the "Change password" box to update your password:


Choosing a good password

You need to pick a password which you can easily remember, but which can't easily be guessed.

Some ideas:

  • Choose two words, with a number in between. For example: hospital7food
  • Use the initial letters of a favourite phrase or song lyric. For example: "I get no kick from champagne" would become "ignkfc"
  • Ideally, a mixture of letters and numbers is more secure than letters only
  • Please don't use the word "password"!
  • Use a password manager to create and store a strong password