Update your profile details


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It is important to keep your profile details up to date, especially if you are a responder on Care Opinion. The signature you sign your response with is pulled from the details in your profile.

In your profile you can update your subscription infomation:

  • Job title
  • Department
  • phone number (only visible to your colleagues)
  • Profile picture
  • What you do in plain language

You can also access your personal details and update:

  • Your name
  • email address
  • demographic information (optional)
  • Password

How to access your profile

When logged into Care Opinion, click "Good Morning [your name]" in the left hand menu visible on every page.

This will take you to your profile page:

From here, use the pencil icons next to each section to update each section:

Once you have updated the section, click the green tick to save ✅

Updating personal details

Go to your profile page above, then click the pink "Your details" in the header across from your name - yellow highlight:
