Tell Your Story
Tell us about an experience of health care or social care within the last 3 years.
Your story might be about you, or someone close to you. You can say what happened, what was good, and what could have been better.
You can use words, or pictures, or both, to help you tell your story. It might take 5 or 10 minutes.
If you need immediate help, these advice/support services may be able to help.
What happens to your story?
We read your story and show it on this web site if we can. (Sometimes we can't.)
We ask for your email so we can let you know when we publish your story. But we never share your confidential information with anyone else. (Privacy policy)
We also email health or care staff who need to see your story. Often, they will reply to you here. If they do, we let you know.
Services we work with
- Hospitals, ambulances and emergency care
- Community services, hospices and mental health care
- Many general practices
- Dental care in hospitals, but not local dentists
- Care homes and care at home for adults, in England and Scotland
If you prefer, watch a signed video (BSL or ISL) about this site
Help: What is your story about? You can put your story subject here.
Please tell us what your story was about
Please enter a longer story title
Your story title contains some characters we don't allow, such as: < >. Please remove these characters and try again
Sorry, your story title can't be more than 250 characters long
Help: Pictures
You can tell your story with words, pictures, or a mix of both.
You can add words between the pictures.
Learn more about picture stories (this will open in a new tab)
Help: Add a picture
You can add just one picture, or as many as you like.
Add a picture by clicking or dragging it.
Help: How you felt
After you add a picture, move it to show how you felt.
Use the arrows to move the picture towards the happy end or the not happy end.
Help: What happened?
Tell your story here. You can write about any health and social care services you have used in the past 3 years. What was good? What could have been better? How did you feel about your care?
Help: Do you need help?
Try using pictures to tell a story
Learn more about picture stories (this will open in a new tab)
Please tell us what happened.
Please provide more details of your story with at least 5 words.
Your story is too long, please shorten your story. (Less than 1000 words and 8000 characters)
Help: Tell us when your story happened.
Help: Are you the patient or service user in your story, or a friend, relative, carer or someone else?
Please make sure a grown up knows you are sharing your story. If they agree it is OK, tick the box to let us know.
Has a grown up agreed it is OK to share your story?
Help: We need a postcode to help us get your story to the right services to make a difference.
Privacy: We never tell anyone else your postcode. We won't share it with health services or show it on this site.
More about why we need your postcode (opens in new window)
Please enter a valid postcode
Help: Tell us any conditions (illnesses or injuries) your story is about. Add them one at a time, like "diabetes", "broken ankle", "depression".
Add any treatments or procedures you had too, like "x-ray" or "hip replacement".
The words you add will help other people to find your story.
- Please enter a tag between 2 and 50 characters.
Suggesting conditions, tests and treatments...
Help: Make sure you have told us about any services you used. You can add more if you like.
This helps us get your story to people who can use it for learning and change.
Suggesting services...
Help: Add some keywords to say what was good, and what could be improved. How did you feel about the services you used?
Help: What was good about your care? Add some keywords.
The words you add will help other people to find your story.
- Please enter a tag between 2 and 50 characters.
Help: What could have been better about your care? Add some keywords.
The words you add will help other people to find your story.
- Please enter a tag between 2 and 50 characters.
Help: How did your care make you feel? Add some keywords.
The words you add will help other people to find your story.
- Please enter a tag between 2 and 50 characters.
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You need to be online to submit your story. We'll wait here and periodically check when you're online again.
This story is signed by . Not you?
This story will be submitted as a leaflet.
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