First Day of Christmas


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'On the first day of Christmas Care Opinion gave to me... some gratitude in my service tree!' ð– °

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Many people expect online patient feedback to be very negative. But in fact, the truth is the exact opposite: over 70% of the stories posted on Care Opinion are entirely positive.

People go to great trouble to share their gratitude, thanking by name staff who made a difference, explaining what made a difference to their care, sharing the importance of kindness, listening, compassion, thoughtful words and actions.

Why does this matter?

Because it matters to the people who share their stories that they can say what helped, what gave hope, what allayed their fears.

And they can also encourage staff, giving hope in return. So much of what happens on Care Opinion is about caring for care.

And there is now plenty of evidence to show that positive patient feedback can lift staff morale, improving confidence, workplace relationships, resilience and even home relationships too.

You can learn more about the power of positive patient feedback from our recent Care Opinion research chat on this topic.

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