Eleventh Day of Christmas 2023


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One Story at a Time

'On the Eleventh Day of Christmas, Care Opinion gave to me, Stories of hope that set our hearts free. Moderators working tirelessly to weave a tapestry, of connections and care that echo beautifully.'

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The task of moderating the stories that Care Opinion receive often seems insurmountable; but Care Opinion’s team of moderators work hard all year to ensure that authors and services are brought together, great experiences are celebrated, excellent health and social care is championed, and change is instituted for the benefit of everyone.

Moderation can often be a difficult process, and with the volume of stories increasing every day, the judgment and instincts of every moderator can be severely tested. However, in the course of moderation there are the grace notes that leaven the task at hand. As moderators, we often happen upon stories that leave a lasting impression, serving to remind us why what we do is so valuable and rewarding. The members of the moderation team have each taken a moment to recollect a story from the past year which struck a chord with them.

Image titleDaniel: My own favourite story struck me in much the same way as the unexpected burst of song that author MaryFitz53 encountered while visiting their sick father. I was genuinely moved by this beautiful moment of connection, which is recounted with such sincerity and pathos.


Christa: This story from author Mrs Wedgie is so very heart-warming – the care and attention this author received is exemplary and their gratitude jumps off the page. I particularly love their username and that the oncologist/haematologist gave this author’s husband a hug in the corridor 😊 It’s a real goose bump story!


Mhairi: This year at Care Opinion we have experienced so much growth and change, as a moderator I can moderate close to 100 stories a week sometimes, from across Scotland, England and Ireland, and although each story has its own unique value, sometimes one will stick with me.

I had the pleasure of moderating a wonderfully playful and uplifting story from author TheGiraffeFamily, a parent whose son had quite a significant accident on their birthday, “leaping through a glass door”! The staff members’ personal, light-hearted approach, providing matching bandages for the boys’ toy Giraffe was heartwarming.

As myself and my husband prepare to bring our first child into the world in the New Year, it was a comforting read for me knowing that this level of support and care is available in our Healthcare system. It really is magic!


Christa: This is a lovely festive story from author Lizht69 about a Christmas Ball from the Day Opportunities service in Northern Health & Social Care Trust. I smiled as I was moderating this story – I love that this service provided a Christmas Ball for their service users. It sounded like a beautiful event full of connection and Christmas Joy 😊


Tim:  One of the areas of work I am most proud of here at Care Opinion is the work we do with groups who don’t normally have a voice in particular substance misuse service users. Here is a lovely story from someone in prison being helped by Inclusion one of our long standing subscribers. Great from our author for their recovery journey and great from the staff helping him.


Arpad: As a fairly new addition to the Care Opinion moderation team, I came to the realisation quite early on that stories are far from being entirely positive or critical ones. Instead, almost all stories have more to them than only shades of grey. They have the potential to convey many sides of our humanism in both positive care experiences that we are grateful for, and in critical, but constructive feedback which we can all learn from. A complexity of colours, almost like a Christmas tree, offering a glamourous view, but with a warning of being prickly and sharp at times.

One of the recent stories I had the chance to moderate, and which has stayed with me is from the author CharlesT336. The author wanted to offer his gratitude in writing towards a hospice for their intervention and home care service for not just stabilising, but even reversing her condition. They gave his wife a fighting chance when every other healthcare professional they had in contact with had already given up. It was heartwarming to read their story radiating with hope.


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Ali: As moderators at Care Opinion, we read through thousands of people's healthcare journeys. Some of these experiences resonate with us a little more closely, depending on our own experiences and circumstances. As the parent of a child with autism and learning disability, it's always heartening to read stories like the one I've chosen - showing that both staff and services so often go the extra mile to be aware and inclusive of the different needs of all children, making sure they have access to the healthcare that they need and offering an amazing level of support to families.


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