Second Day of Christmas 2024


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The gift of gratitude

In these darkening winter days, it is a good time to reflect on what we can be grateful for. Gratitude, freely given, is a precious and powerful gift which, like others, benefits both giver and receiver.

Every day on Care Opinion we see people thanking healthcare staff for their expertise, their care, their smiles and their reassurance. The daily flow of gratitude – not just in a general way, but specific, personal, heartfelt – is extraordinary and moving.

Sometimes we hear people say that this “positive feedback” has little value, or that they are not sure what to do with it. The answer is simple: this is a gift that must be shared. Share the gratitude with everyone around you, and especially with those to whom it has been directed.

Gratitude research

Why share the positive? Because it feels right, and because an enormous body of research points to the significant benefits of doing so.

For example, in a 2023 review of 68 studies, we found multiple effects on staff of positive patient feedback, including a lift to morale and motivation, improved workplace relationships and staff retention, and even a positive effect on home relationships.

Other studies point to the potential for a wider effect of gratitude on team culture. For example, one study found that when gratitude is witnessed by another person, they themselves are also positively affected by it.

So here’s the lesson for all of us: give your thanks freely and often. And if you receive a story of thanks through Care Opinion, add to the gift by sharing it widely with everyone around you.

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