Eighth Day of Christmas 2024


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During the festive season, stars shine brighter, and at Care Opinion, we want to celebrate the shining stars among us - our Star Responders! ✨

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At Care Opinion, we’re incredibly proud of our Star Responders and regularly highlight their outstanding responses in our blogs. This year, we took an exciting new step by opening up the nomination process to our subscribing organisations. You can read more about this change on this Star Responder page.

By inviting nominations from our subscribers, we’ve been able to celebrate even more inspiring examples of thoughtful and compassionate responses to patient stories, recognising the outstanding dedication of healthcare professionals across the country.

Our regular ‘How to’ webinars provide an overview of responding well and demonstrating impact. If you missed our previous live sessions, don’t worry—you can rewatch them on training and support webinars page

In addition to webinars, we also share guidance on how to respond well in our blogs. For example, check out Lisa’s blog, ‘A Responder’s Personal Touch – Adding Your Profile Picture’  to learn how this small but meaningful step can elevate the humanity and impact of your responses.

We’ve had so many Star Responders shine over the years, and we’re proud of each and every one. Curious to see their incredible responses in action?

Take a look at the following blogs to explore examples of their work and see these principles in action: