Seventh Day of Christmas 2024


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As we approach the festive season, a time often associated with reflection and connection, it seems fitting to highlight the shared efforts across health and social care services in providing an inclusive, transparent, and supportive environment for individuals in secure and mental health settings.

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The challenges faced by services working within prisons and secure mental health units are significant, particularly when it comes to collecting meaningful feedback from those who use the services. Many individuals in these settings face heightened isolation, with limited opportunities to share their experiences, which makes the need for accessible platforms to voice their feedback even more critical.

Both initiatives from Inclusion’s Health in Justice services across prisons and the secure mental health units at Rampton Hospital and Arnold Lodge demonstrate a shared commitment to ensuring that the voices of those who often feel unheard are not only listened to but truly valued. Despite the challenges of restricted access to traditional feedback mechanisms, innovative solutions are being put in place.

Check out Rachael’s blog, where she discusses how Inclusion has partnered with Care Opinion to introduce creative ways to gather feedback from their service users, such as providing freepost feedback leaflets. In Nigel’s blog, he explains how Rampton Hospital and Arnold Lodge have overcome the challenge of engaging with feedback from patients in high-security mental health settings by developing digital solutions like Kiosk mode and the Made Purple system.