Interprofessional education


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“The CO site breathed new life into the module. It is very hard to teach IPE (interprofessional education), and almost impossible to find case studies which students from all professions can identify with. The CO site gave us this.”

“We use the CO site as the basis of the assignment... it helped the students write their essay, in that it gave them something real to relate to.”

IPE module leader, University of Salford

Care Opinion is well-suited to inter-professional education because it begins from the perspective of patients, service users and carers. The stories on Care Opinion illustrate the importance and impact of every member of the health care team, whatever their role.

Using Care Opinion in IPE at Sheffield Hallam University

Read these blog posts from Lucy Kirkham, Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing and IPE Lead for Nursing and Midwifery at Sheffield Hallam:

How we use Care Opinion in inter-professional education

Learning about service improvement: our new board game