Medical education


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“We looked at the stories on Care Opinion. There’s a huge variety and some of the stories are actually quite upsetting... The person isn’t sitting in front of you, so there’s a bit of a distance – but their voice can still feel very powerful."

Teacher development lead, Kings College London

BMJ Blog: The transformative power of patient narratives in healthcare education

King’s College London

Care Opinion has been used by the GKT School of Medical Education to support student projects in general practice and in narrative analysis of patient experience.

Read more: Like stepping into the patient's shoes

Read more: a medical student perspective on using Care Opinion

Imperial College School of Medicine

Care Opinion is being used to support a range of projects by medical students undertaking the intercalated BSc in Humanities, Philosophy and Law.

One student wrote: "Working with Care Opinion narratives opened my eyes to the other side of medicine, the side of the patient".

Read more: The other side of medicine

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